At Fragile Cosmetics we have the environment, its natural resources and, each living creature at heart. For this reason, we want to optimise beauty by offering less products but more versatile & cross-function in order to limit the impact of production and preserve life in all its nuances, the entire process follows especially drawn up principles of ethics and respect.
For our hair and body products we use only natural and organic ingredients, that are absolutely free from harmful chemicals to humans, animals and the environment. By choosing sustainable and biodegradable components, our products are made of 100% recyclable materials. After a careful process of selection and R&D, we have chosen:
- glass for the bottles
- aluminum for the dispensers
- favini ecological paper,that includes 40% post-consumer recycled waste topped up with 15% cotton fibres and uses 100% hydro- electric energy produced in-house.
- ash wood and natural rubber cushion
for our hairbrush - costumize ecological tape
We are against any waste so to cut down on it, we decided not to use paper for labels, but silk-screened glass packaging. Lastly, for our deliveries we decided to opt for ecological cardboard packages and use customize paper tape with ecological glue.
Our goal is to treat Mother Earth with the utmost respect and to preserve the place we live in.