Spedizione gratuita in Europa da €55 | Extra-Europa-Mondo da €112

Beauty as aspiration, beauty as respect, beauty as truth and action.

Fragile is keen to have a positive impact in the world, by having its values at heart and becoming its spokesperson in the world. Therefore, it is committed to raise awareness and support numerous organizations for environmental protection and for the respect of humanity as a whole.

Men, women, animals, as well as nature. We are all part of a unique ecosystem, in which every single element is fundamental for the balance of the entire universe and for the fulfillment of the miracle of life.


The purchase of the FRAGILE book, a collection of photographs of the most important models in the world, taken by Franco, during shooting and international fashion shows in which he collaborated as a hairstylist, will help to support and help health care against the epidemiological emergency from Covid- 19.

The proceeds will be donated entirely to the “Paolo Onofri” Association, engaged in raising funds for the hospitals of the province where Franco was born.
The beauty of caring
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